Names:Devorjae Dedmon and Tiana Bratcher.
Age: 22 and 20, respectively.
Professions: H&M sales advisers.
Found: woods in Deep Ellum, for yesterday evening's Danny Brown and Baauer program.
what exactly are you men using this evening?
Devorjae: "I'm using a York & Company blazer, a thrift shop mesh-like baseball jersey clothing over an extended black colored t-shirt, H&M MC pants, Church clothes, black leather Doc Martens, and my add-ons consist of some pieces from H&M, a gold pinky ring from Michael Kors, a Citizen gold view, a black colored and gold beaded bracelet, and a silver Anna Dello Russo bracelet with a black beanie and pitch black shades!"
Tiana: "I am using Margiela for H&M, United states Apparel, some straight back seam tights that got all cut-up, and Doc Martens."
What brings you out to Deep Ellum today?
Tiana: "Danny Brown!"
Devorjae: "I'm hear to see Danny Brown again and get caught up about this new cat that I just heard about, Baauer."
Which Danny Brown track can be your favorite?