
Hemp is the most durable of organic fibers. Hemp can be a rather eco-friendly crop. It needs no pesticides and needs little water, yet it renews the soil with every growth pattern. It is long origins prevent erosion and help keep topsoil. Hemp develops readily in many temperate regions. In a variety of ways, hemp might be considered a miracle fibre. Consider the benefits:
- Strong: Clothing made of hemp fiber is lightweight, absorbant and, with three times the tensile power of cotton, strong and longlasting.
- Weather Resistant: Ultraviolet and mold-resistant, hemp is great for outdoor wear.
- Versatile: Hemp may be combined along with other fibers for different attributes inside apparel. Hemp/silk and hemp/cotton clothes are now available.
- Economical: Hemp is more affordable to farm due to its minimal growth demands.
- Simple on Environment: Hemp farming uses almost no liquid, cannot need employing chemical pesticides or fertilizers, and is an easily renewable resource. - hemp, bamboo and natural cotton tees
- spectacular women's fashions in hemp, soy, organic cotton and bamboo