12 Companies, Stores Which Are Snapping Up the World’s Organic Cotton

Natural Exchange’s yearly ranking of the top companies and merchants just who buy organic cotton always makes for an interesting browse, specifically because addition inside list does not fundamentally put an organization’s ethics—and by expansion, ecological commitment—above reproach. (just to illustrate, Walmart is numero uno for three years operating.) Size, in this matter, is every thing, which means that supply-chain volume and worldwide get to matter more toward racking up those numbers than any overarching, beatific vision of durability.
From 2008 to 2009, natural cotton fiber manufacturing expanded 20 % from 145, 872 to 175, 113 metric tons.
But does it make a difference how exactly we make it provided that we, you realize, make it? Even yet in the face area of a recession, the worldwide market for organic cotton fiber apparel and fabrics soared to $4.3 billion last year, representing an uptick of 35 per cent from the past year’s estimation. From 2008 to 2009, organic cotton production expanded 20 percent from 145, 872 to 175, 113 metric tons (that’s 802, 599 bales) on 625, 000 acres (253, 000 hectares) in 22 nations.
“Many folks thought the recession means an-end to all things organic, however the marketplace reacted in just the opposite means, ” claims LaRhea Pepper, senior director of natural Exchange and co-author associated with 2009 Organic Cotton Market Report. “Consumers dug inside their pumps and continued to support using natural cotton alongside sustainable materials, while companies and retailer maintained and even extended their particular obligations to making their particular products more renewable by continuing to increase their using such fibers and safer production processes.”
And there’s no place to go but up. Organic Exchange predicts the global organic marketplace will develop 20 to 40 percent in this year and 2011 to bring about an estimated $5.1 billion and $6.0 billion marketplace, respectively.
1. Walmart/Sam’s Club
2. C&A
3. Nike
4. H&M
5. Zara
6. Anvil Knitwear
7. Coop Switzerland
8. Ceramic Barn
9. Greensource
10. Hessnatur
1. C&A
2. Nike
3. Walmart/Sam’s Club
4. Williams-Sonoma
5. H&M
6. Anvil Knitwear
7. Coop Switzerland